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Dear readers, I am preparing for quite a funk this coming holiday season. My life is turned upside down. Things are changing, and this is inevitable. Changes have been coming for a while, but we all know that the holiday season can be taxing in such a situation. And I want you to know that I am trying to remain thankful and hopeful. Trying. Will I succeed? I’ll let you know in January. Thanksgiving is the kickoff to the holiday season, and I intend to maintain and meditate on the hope that is imbued in the reason for the civic holiday. I have blogged about hope many times. I firmly believe everything that I have written for this grand community. And the opposite of hope is despair. This is a paradigm that has been central to my life for its entirety. Let’s look at each in turn and see where that gets us. Read More
Father of lights and Giver of good gifts we are thankful for Your mercies. New every morning.