Monday, May 5, 2014

A New Blog

Binary Sunset - A beginning for redemption
There are a lot of thoughts in my mind, and I have wanted to share them with similar minded folks for quite some time now.  We are always told, find something you love and then find someone to pay you to do it.  Well, so far in my life that has worked out.  I am a priest of the Orthodox Church, and nothing can make me happier.  When I was ordained to the priesthood, I brought with me a beautiful young family and lots of other interests and hobbies.  Among these interests was a love for the Star Wars universe.  Well, it is only a galaxy really.  One very early child hood memory is being taken to see Return of the Jedi in Yeadon, PA.  I was only 5 when it came out, and I can still remember the Star Destroyer entering from the top of the screen and the rumble in the theater.  

          As life went on, one day in 1994 I found myself sitting in a room where a friend of mine was reading a book - Heir to the Empire.  He loaned it to me, and I think it was the first book I ever read in one day.  Should have done my homework first, but our favorite story was moving on, and I had to experience it.  In 1997, I took my little brother to see the special editions.  In 1999, Phantom Menace opened on the last day of my honeymoon.  We went.  I enjoyed it very much.  From there, Star Wars and its stories have been a constant companion through a restaurant career, two stints at Friendly's, two stints at Wawa, Seminary and now in my priesthood. 
          The stories belie deeper things that affect all of us.  There are relationships that rise and fall, only to rise again; moments of redemption and despair; moments of triumph and defeat from evil external forces.  All in all, I see many parallels to the spiritual life, though sometimes these are only incidental. 
          In this new venture, I would like to put down some of my thoughts and connections between the Core Worlds and the spiritual struggle; the Outer Rim and the spiritual life we struggle to not be so far from. 

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