“I rebel.”
Very simply put, this is the most important thing you can come to grips with, and become part of. And yeah, me, of the first estate by vocation, I will teach this to the bitter end. There are evil and nefarious forces in the world masquerading as goodness, trying to steal the inherent beauty in each of us. There are greedy people trying to gain unlimited power through the theft of the beauty each of us possesses.

The Beginning
The Predicament
But we are not on the hook for the expiation of the sins of our
ancestors. However, we are living with the consequence of all of the
hate, pain and pathology that has found its way into our world. As part
of our inherent make up as human beings, we want to get better, we want
to be healed. To get back to the Garden, we have to powerfully rebel against the evil powers that are subjugating our beautiful creation.
it is by art man gets nearest to the
angels and farthest from the animals. Indeed it is a pregnant thought.
Here you have a man with a brush and palette. With a dozen blobs of
pigment he makes a certain pattern on one or two square yards of canvas,
and something is created which carries its shining message of
inspiration not only to all who are living with him on the world, but
across hundreds of years to generations unborn. It lights the path and
links the thought of one generation with another, and in the realm of
price holds its own in intrinsic value with an ingot of gold. Evidently
we are in the presence of a mystery which strikes down to the deepest
foundations of human genius and of human glory.
Beauty, art, the works of the soul, are true and effective rebellion.
The Process
In last December’s amazing Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, we
see the desperation on the faces of the rebels, those who have lived
through the damnable blossoming of the evil Galactic Empire. They have
felt their freedom and beauty tortured and injured – but not to the
point of being destroyed. Our great heroine, Jyn Erso, reminds us to
never give up on the possibility of the return of the good. That
through rebelling against the perceived monolithic and invincible
doorkeepers of her age, the Rebel Alliance can restore hope to the
Galaxy. This is the only thing that can be done. She says “We have
hope. Rebellions are built on hope!”
The Victory
The lifelong rebel, Cassian Andor, has shown us the hard decisions
that must be made in order to maintain the rebellion against the forces
of evil. And likewise, we are in for a dirty and destructive fight.
Not because those who are full of hope desire to destroy anything, but
because the destructive force is engaged in all of its terrifying
horror. I am not merely speaking of Star Wars and its
multitude of applicable lessons. I am talking about your world, your
country, neighborhood. The battle may be waged in your own home; and
most importantly within your own heart. All has been infected with the
disease of death and illness. We must rage against it, fight against
the nagging doubt, the misproportioned love of self or the animosity
toward the other ones. We must bless all lives with hope and goodness,
and transform the human experience into one of ignorance of suffering.
Again, Jyn is a prophet in this regard. The rebellion must go on until the fulfillment of the divine hope is brought about. We fight. We rebel. We continue to bring truth and beauty back in to the world, to restore it to its paradisiacal origins. This is our calling in life, as good and free people. The call from Jyn’s lips was profoundly brilliant.
What chance do we have? The question is “what choice.” Run, hide, plead for mercy, scatter your forces. You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission. The time to fight is now!
My friends, the time is now to rebel, to bring freedom to yourself and to the world around you. Do not wait another day, offering your services to ugliness and evil. In the words of St Herman of Alaska, a 19th century American saint, “for our good and for our happiness, let us all make a vow: at least from this day, this hour, this very minute, we should strive to love God above all else and do His will!”
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